Social media marketing strategy

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May 13, 2024

Top 3 Social Media Opportunities for Financial Services

Financial services marketers use Facebook often but underuse Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Here's how to extend your social media strategy.
Digital Marketer, Marketing Leader, Use Social Media in Financial Services, Social Media Strategy for Financial Services, Financial Services Marketers, Social Media Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Strategy, Best Social Media Platform for Marketing
July 5, 2022

How to Marry Organic and Paid Social Media Advertising Strategies

How can financial institutions use organic strategies with paid campaigns in their social media advertising strategies to reap the highest return?
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June 14, 2022

How to Find the Right Target Audiences for Your Paid Ads — and Then Reach Them

Are you looking to reap the benefits of paid social advertising? Here’s how to harness the full potential of social marketing for financial services.
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May 24, 2022

How social media data improves cross-selling for banks

Social media data, when strategically collected and analyzed, can help banks strengthen their social media marketing strategies and improve cross-selling opportunities.
ABA Bank marketing, American Bankers Association Endorsed Solution, social media marketing strategy, cross-selling, personalized, bank digital marketing, digital journey
February 8, 2022

4 Things to Tell Leadership About Social Media Measurement

Social media marketing budget need a boost? Here’s how to demonstrate the value of analytics and persuade your boss to increase resources.
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December 14, 2021

Activate Social Media Marketing for Mortgage Loan Officers With a Content Plan

Marketing teams must support loan officers’ social media mortgage marketing efforts to create effective social selling programs. Here are a few ways how.
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October 12, 2021

Consistent, Compliant Digital Marketing for Financial Services

Here’s how we at Denim Social can work with agency partners to support financial institutions’ social media strategies and digital marketing efforts.
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June 22, 2021

Are Social Media Posts the End of Your Digital Customer Journey?

Social media marketing strategies for financial institutions should include linking strategies that turn followers into customers. Try these 3 links.
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May 24, 2021

Why Conversion Is Not the End Goal of Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Conversion is not the end goal of social media marketing strategies for financial services. Here’s what you need for a post-conversion strategy.
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